This component manages the information shared by CelRank on this website:
Celebrities: they are famous people, known by most of the population. Some Celebrities analyzed and shared on this website are: Albert Einstein, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Cristiano Ronaldo or Michael Jackson among many of the 6859 Celebrities available in CelRank.
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Tags: It is a Customized Classification of Celebrities. It means, it is a way of grouping Celebrities using criteria decided by the Tag owner.
Some of the available Celebriy Tags are Singers, Fiction Characters, Soccer Players or Sex Symbols or Porn Stars. CelRank Tags can be checked in this link.
To enrich available information in CelRank, we have added some more attributes to each Celebrity. These are: Nationality and Gender.
This way and with the help of the Builder Rank (placed below the main menu), visitors can get more interesting Ranks. They can filter Celebrities by a first criterion of Tags, by a second criterion of Tags (optional) and their Nationality or Gender. So, CelRank can answer requests such as:
Rank of Brazilian Singers on Social Networks
Rank of Female Australian Models on Entertainment Webs