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Tracking of Celebrities

It is the process by which CelRank analyzes Internet websites looking for information about Celebrities. CelRank commands a system of programs, named "crawlers", that in a similar way to web search engines like for example Google, Yahoo or Bing, tracks world wide webs looking for information about Celebrities.

CelRank has identified the following Internet Web Types:

Blogs like Huffington Post or WordPress
Entertainment Webs like TMZ or CeleBuzz
Magazine Webs like Sports Illustrated, Vanity Fair, Hola, Time or People
Microblogging Webs like Twitter or Tumblr
Photo Sharing Webs like Flickr or Panoramio
Press Webs like NYTimes, Spiegel, The Guardian or El Mundo
Social Networks like Facebook, MySpace or Tuenti
TV Webs like Hulu, CNN or BBC
Video Sharing Webs like YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo or Metacafe

(For each Web Type we have pointed out some of the tracked websites).

CelRank has done a Web Type classification which, due to Internet dynamism, requires to have a continuous process of analysis and evaluation to add new Web Types or new websites to the current ones.

We have also defined a Web Type which includes all websites tracked by CelRank. This funcionality reports Celebrity global positioning in all analyzed websites. This kind of Web Type is called Internet.

So, querying for example Music Rank in Social Networks, CelRank shows which musician is more popular in websites like Facebook or MySpace, among many others, daily.

In this link we show you information about CelRank Crawling Monitoring System.
